smartTomo 2018.0 has been tested to verify the speed of execution as the number of nodes increases. A synthetic dataset of 12 shots recorded with 96 channels was used for the test.

The test was conducted by decreasing the size of the cells and, for each dimension, using both 6 and 11 nodes per side.
The test has been performed on a MacbookPro configured as follows:
Processor name: Intel Core i5
Processor speed: 2.9 GHz
Number of processors: 1
Total number of Core: 2
Cache L2 (for Core): 256 KB
Cache L3: 3 MB
Memory: 16 GB
smartTomo 2018.0 has shown to have a linear behavior with respect to the increase in the number of nodes both for the execution time and for the memory used.

The graph on the left shows oscillations due to the number of nodes per cell side. Increasing the number of nodes per side improves the definition of seismic rays but complicates some calculation steps.

Concluding, for a section 212 meters long, 25 meters deep with a resolution of 0.5 meters and 11 nodes per cell side (407541 nodes) it takes 51 seconds for 5 iterations and 4.55GB of ram, obtaining a maximum error on time of first break less than 5%.