In addition to Seismic Refraction Tomography (SRT) processing, SmartTomo also implements the capability to process the survey using the generalized reciprocal method (GRM).
The GRM processing procedure is included in a separate window that is opened by selecting the Refraction (GRM) menu item from the processing menu.
The seismic survey processing window presents four tabs.

Tab for Assigning Dromochrons to Layers. Clicking on the first arrival corresponding to the first and last point of the layer will assign the portion of the dromochrone to corresponding layer
Visualization of phanom traveltimes. algorithm combines together portions of dromochrone related to the same layer from different shots to reconstruct the layer on all geophones

Visualization of the Tv and Tg functions of the GRM method for various values of XY in green, and in black is the best curve used for profile reconstruction
The last tab presents the speed and depth profiles of the refractors

The refractor profile can be displayed superimposed on the tomographic section to provide a link between the two methods.
The result can be saved either as an image or as a csv table.